Alphahood, Game

Reponse to askTRP «Walked out on girl but unsure of whether i failed»


The Original post:


As a preface i’m a male uni student. the girl has 3 years on me.

I went on a date with a girl i had made out with at a party a week earlier. We go to the movies and end up at her house. We start making out once again, and she gets on top of me and starts grinding. I go for her bra, but the second my hand starts to undo it she sits up and stops me. «I’m sorry, you have to know me for at least 5 days before you can do that». So i resist and say «Are you serious?», which i believe was a mistake. regardless i continue making out and try once more, attempting to push past her barrier. She once again stops me. I just flat out ask her, «Is this going anywhere? You are grinding on me but you don’t want to go any further?». She tells me guys usually like when she does that and doesn’t understand where i’m coming from. I immediately tell her to stop and I promptly leave.

How could I have played this better? I don’t want to repeat my errors as I feel I could have closed.


My answer:


You didnt put up with shit you didnt like. GOOD!

You didnt recognize LMR, nonsense shit-testing. BAD!

Its ok, just practice.

My take on how to play it better:

«I’m sorry, you have to know me for at least 5 days before you can do that».

[She might have this rule actually, but rules go out the window if she is attracted enough]

So i resist and say «Are you serious?»»

[WRONG! You are appealing to logic, by trying to point out her inconsisten behavior. Never appeal to logic during seduction. Appeal to EMOTIONS or authority 🙂 😦 😀 😛

You are also putting her in a position of authority. This is what it sounds like to her at some level; «Oh, if you serious massa than I will just pack my manhood away in my pants after we spent an hour at the cinema attending to your needs for bonding and attention.»

My alternative response, written in front of a computer screen with «all the time in the world»:

Appeal to emotions:

«I feel like we have known each other for weeks already» Cha-ching!

or authority(ie, your self assumed authority over her body):

«Take of this bra now, I wanna see your tits (whilst rubbing her tits) ]

Or horniness:

Breathe deep in her ear, and tell your how horny you are, what you wanna do to her etc.

«[Breathing deeply] I wanna put my raging boner inside your wet pussy, I wanna ravage you like I am a caveman and there is no tomorrow! » Etc. etc.

«regardless i continue making out and try once more» Good!

«She once again stops me.»

[Her pussy is her triumph card. She wants to know she has value. Or she is not sufficiently horny. Women get turned on by the act of sex(male domination) and of being desired. Thus feed these feelings if she is not soaking already.]

«I just flat out ask her, «Is this going anywhere? You are grinding on me but you don’t want to go any further?».

[WRONG! Appealing to logic again! Dude, stop appealing to logic during seduction and escalation. Teasing, dirty talk, cocky & funny, assume the sale etc. NEVER LOGIC! Logic reminds a bitch to hold out on the pussy!]

[My alternative response, again written in the comfort of my own home:

I get so HARD when you grind on me like that, and (while grabbing her ass) your ass feels so good. I just wanna lay (throw her around into more submissive position) you down and fuck you like a beast! First SUCK MY COCK! (Whip out your cock!) ]

«She tells me guys usually like when she does that and doesn’t understand where i’m coming from. I immediately tell her to stop and I promptly leave.»

Everything is on you. You have to put your horniness out there, you have to put your sexuality on the line, you have to GIVE HER ORDERS on what to do WITHOUT OPTIONS to please you.

If she is not attracted ie playing along, then leave, or if at your crib stop giving her attention.

Please read more redpill books. And good luck next time. Just being at TRP means you are on your way.




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