Inner Game, Self-Improvement

#NoNothingNovember – My list

Recently, I had decided to try and quit smoking cigarettes, weed, eating junk food and some other vices for at least a month to see how my life would improve and to focus on my goals.

I failed however, in all those goals immediately. Much of it because I just work, work until I need to recharge by eating, having a cigarette or a joint.

So, when the No Nothing November was started up, I was determined to partcipate.

Here is my list:

1. Quit smoking cigarette.

2. Quit weed or hash, in any form.

3. Abstain from drinking any alcohol.

4. Not eat anything sweet, soda, candy or junk food. Only eat meals I have prepared myself, or that my mother has prepared.

5. Not actively pursue any women, instead completely ignore women.

6. Not read any newspaper or the manosphere.

7. Not actively use social media for personal entertainment.

8. No masturbation.

Here is a list of what I will do:

1. Lift atleast 3x times a week.

2. Go to BJJ training at least 3x times a week.

3. Try yoga and pilates.

4. Work on my skills as a web developer, app programmer, designer and 3d-modeling.

5. Keep track of and plan all expenses.

6. Stimulate my creativity by writing stand-up, songs and my script.

7. Intermittent fast and limit carbs, and unhealthy, unnatural food from my diet.

8. Drink 2,5 liters water every day.

9. Record my experiences daily.

10. Wake up 07:00 and go to bed by 23:00, on weekdays.

Alphahood, The Red Pill

The Manslater and the Red Pill answer

A funny meme online is the Manslater, an imaginary tool that deciphers a females opinion:


Its almost outrageous how bluepill this clip is, because the underlying premise is that a man should be overly concerned about how a women is feeling and perceiving them.

Instead of being an immovable rock, an anchor, a man should according the manslater be an overly sensitive and emotionally connected counterpart.

This is of course as far from the truth as possible, in fact many of these cliche sayings in the video are attempts at shit-testing and shaming.

Lets translate the response in the different situations to a RP man.

First scene

Girl: Hey, are you golfing today ?

Man: Yeah, see you later.

Man leaves apartment.

If wife is upset, man ignores it.

Second scene

Man wants to go a tea shop.

Man: Hey, I am going to a tea shop.

Third scene

Man: Are you ok ? You sound upset.

Girl: Why would I be upset ? [Hangs up]

Man continues on his day, and also reprimands her for hanging up when he meets her (being disrespectful).

Fourth scene (obvious shit test)

Girl: Are you wearing that ?!

Man: Yes. [With a grin]

Sixth scene

Girl: Do you think she is pretty ?

Man: Yeah, she is ok.

The gist is really, you dont get a manslater. You instead behave like a man.

That is you dont give a fuck about her emotional rollercoaster and coded language, and instead do you and prioritize your needs, and you punish her if she crosses your boundaries.

This is my take on RP answer to this, and it might be a influenced by my non-western background.

Game, Rules of Thumb

Rule of Thumb #1: Silence is golden

Here is an easy rule of thumb concerning sms/chat messaging and in general communication; Silence is always the best option if you dont know what to answer or if you want to contact.

If you do not feed her attention, she (if she has positive images of you) will begin to hamster positive scenarios in her head about you. Furthermore, if she has any doubts or negative vibes from you than any small contact can tip her of her attraction.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, Self-Improvement

Your guiding motto in dealing with women

When applying game, a large part of it is to come off as an attractive as a man you can present yourself.

Whilst «female game» is largely based on appearing as visually and otherwise attractive.

Thus for all «what so should say ? what should» either in text game or in person, I have developed a guiding motto for you.

This motto or mantra you can always, when you are in doubt.

Here it is:

«Would an attractive man do that ?»

Attractive here meaning, a man who easily gets women and has plenty of options.

So, should you text her after a she hasnt answered your calls etc ?

Just think, «Would an attractive man do that?». The answer is usually now.

In fact, my greatest improvement in game, was when I first of all believed I was a sexually attractive man.

And whenever I was about to do something that might be beta, needy or otherwise I just referred to the motto and chose the best behaviour.


This is not a license to be lazy. Many «naturals» approach, flirt, escalate and seduce. However, they dont give off the vibe in any form of communcation of «needing» the female.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, The Red Pill

She wants you on a pedestal

«For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is hero-worship—the desire to look up to man. » – Ayn Rand

Say what you will about Rand, she had a knack for realizing some important truths and encapsulating them in very short sentences.

This subreddit has given my a much clearer imagine of what I could
only sense by smell and intuition but rarely put my finger on.

Background: Recently I was discussing attraction with a female acquaintance and she was describing how her male friends were complaining that females only like «assholes» and reject them. She was claiming that Game type advice such as negging etc. was universal, because everyone tends to want what they cannot have.
After a while she also transitioned to complaining about clingy and needy guys, who shower praise upon her and how that is unattractive.

I agreed, and made the point though that the reason it is unattractive is because it is unconditional, it is unearned. When you only reward a bitch, she will come to not value and maybe even resent your rewards in the long run.
She then proceeded to claim that when a guy is needy or not an aloof, asshole, it she will feel like he is lower value than her. And the hamster ultimately translated this to that this shows that he does not have enough self-respect.

I then explained that self-respect was much more important for a female to be attracted to a dude. A guy only needs the physical stuff in order, to be sexually attracted and a decent personality to be attracted mentally, while females have much higher demands of the guy respecting himself, aloof and a strong self-image.

The question this post tries to answer is; Why ?

Here goes.

Women are by nature, the weaker sex. This is obvious and well-known, in both physical and mental sense (iq, reasoning and emotional stability).

In our extreme PC society, this is ofc very taboo and «hateful» to believe consicously, much less actually espouse in public, but it is nonetheless true.

But the impact this has on sexual relations is that a female that wants to copulate with a male, must according to her tastes copulate with a stronger man, a better man.

Atleast than her, in her eyes.

Thus having you on a pedestal, gives her emotional and sexual stimulation.

Listen, all you beta deniers of Game, who are out to please the Feminine Goddess.

The Feminine Goddess in reality resents your meekiness and willingness to tolerate nonsense.


She would actually be more pleased if you felt and actively acted as you were more important than her, better than her and in general the best in the world, or the best she can get in the world.



Do you need Game ?

If you wondering whether you need to learn Game, you should pontificate upon the following questions:


  • Do you have trouble coming in contact women with socially ?
  • Do you find yourself lost for direction when interacting socially with women ?
  • Do you frequently turn off women you are attempting to seduce and never know quite why ?
  • Have you never read any pickup/game material ?
  • Do you somtimes get women attracted to you, that you did not attempt to seduce or even care about, whilst you seldom get women you attempt to seduce or are initally attracted to ?


If you answered yes to any of these questions(especially the last one) then your probably in need of practising and learning to Game women ie. to partcipate in the mating ritual that precides sexual intercourse.

This last question, is of significance. It is significant because it shows when you go into your «seducer» role, something you are doing gets it wrong.
Especially, if you had experiences like I have had, where I would turn off women who were already into me by going into «seducer»/»loverboy» mode. Precisely because, my go-to-behavior for that scenario was a mix-match of intuition, instinct and baaad programming.

Game is basically installing the correct programming. To get better game, you must try other approaches to your goal of attracting and seducing women.

Social Science

Hypothesis: Women are more atuned to social hierarchy

One of the core tenets of TRP, as I understand it is the sexual plurality of women referred to as «alpha fucks, beta bucks». Or in modern society, perhaps, to a larger degree, «alpha fucks, beta validation».

My hypothesis is simply this: Women are more atuned to noticing who is the leader in a social group.
Furthermore, they are more atuned to notice who is the most dominant in a social interaction.

The evo-psych reasoning being that women that have been more atuned to choosing alphas have breed children who have bred more children.

Ie. being able to detect the most alpha of a group is a reproductive advantage.

Now, if this is true. The corollary might also explain the clueless of guys.

Men, I suggest, may be less adept at noticing social hierarchy and who is more dominant/alpha in an interaction (includes 1-on-1).

That is why men often get taken for ride, ie exploited for validation and material goods. Furthermore, feminism has excarbated this tendency(ie women are even more focused on alphas/men are even less dominant in all manners, economically, behaviorally etc).

Anyway I also noticed that seemingly innocent (even jokes), to my eye, by peers or friends will have a really negative effect on women.

Furthermore, this why showing any desire for a woman vs putting yourself in a lower/too low for her standards is a fine line.
Even very innocuous comments or actions, might switch women from interested to dismissive.

However, one can ask, why have not men being equipped with such social intelligence or atleast not as strong as women ?
Is that not a reproductive disadvantage ?

Might be, but women & men differ and excel in different areas related to survival and human society. So it might just be, that guys in general cant see this as easily and therefore need training ie. Game.

Would like to hear your thoughts.

AskTrp, Game

AskTRP reply 20 april

«You need to practice getting physical with a women, being in charge of the escalation.

You also need to practice seduction.

1) Start flirting with women in situations where your able

Flirting; banter, teasing, light negging, occasional compliment when she follows your lead (do as you say).

Get them to hang out with you.

2) Act on IOIs

If a lady is IOI-ing you, in a club, at work, in a grocery store. Try to pickup her.

The most important thing here is your mindset; You are a catch, you are a man, she is lucky to get your sperm.

Practice having this mindset, whilst your trying to get with a female and it will become your nature after a while.

3) Sex with a 6 is better than nothing with a 10

Since you are incel, do not obsess about getting hotties. Go for the women that turn you, that is the only thing sufficient.

You must get comfortable with undressing a female, and her bullshit last-minute shit-tests. Good luck!

Keep working on it. Every failure gets you one step closer to success.


Game, Inner Game

Response to AskTRP thread: 16 april


Schedule a date with her and try to bang her.

The level of unecessary detail her, is amazing and I admit I have engaged it myself many times. Overanalyzing.

It is to me, a sign of overinvestment on the outcome, on your part.


Concerning this:

«Chatted a bit made some sexy jokes,she laughed,but I was feeling very tired of her at that point and I felt as shit that I didn’t succeed in my goal, and fuck it was raining ,so just answered shortly and hung up ,although I realized she wanted to talk more.»

Good. You restricted her access to what she wants; attention. Furthermore, she didnt give you what you want, yet atleast; sex.


The fact that you had to write;

«She laughed» is also an example of overinvestment.

You probably feel like «Ohh, I am getting closer to punani.» But the fact you even care/remember whether she laughed after or not, in that phone call means you are too invested in this outcome.
