Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, Self-Improvement

Your guiding motto in dealing with women

When applying game, a large part of it is to come off as an attractive as a man you can present yourself.

Whilst «female game» is largely based on appearing as visually and otherwise attractive.

Thus for all «what so should say ? what should» either in text game or in person, I have developed a guiding motto for you.

This motto or mantra you can always, when you are in doubt.

Here it is:

«Would an attractive man do that ?»

Attractive here meaning, a man who easily gets women and has plenty of options.

So, should you text her after a she hasnt answered your calls etc ?

Just think, «Would an attractive man do that?». The answer is usually now.

In fact, my greatest improvement in game, was when I first of all believed I was a sexually attractive man.

And whenever I was about to do something that might be beta, needy or otherwise I just referred to the motto and chose the best behaviour.


This is not a license to be lazy. Many «naturals» approach, flirt, escalate and seduce. However, they dont give off the vibe in any form of communcation of «needing» the female.
