Inner Game, Self-Improvement

#NoNothingNovember – My list

Recently, I had decided to try and quit smoking cigarettes, weed, eating junk food and some other vices for at least a month to see how my life would improve and to focus on my goals.

I failed however, in all those goals immediately. Much of it because I just work, work until I need to recharge by eating, having a cigarette or a joint.

So, when the No Nothing November was started up, I was determined to partcipate.

Here is my list:

1. Quit smoking cigarette.

2. Quit weed or hash, in any form.

3. Abstain from drinking any alcohol.

4. Not eat anything sweet, soda, candy or junk food. Only eat meals I have prepared myself, or that my mother has prepared.

5. Not actively pursue any women, instead completely ignore women.

6. Not read any newspaper or the manosphere.

7. Not actively use social media for personal entertainment.

8. No masturbation.

Here is a list of what I will do:

1. Lift atleast 3x times a week.

2. Go to BJJ training at least 3x times a week.

3. Try yoga and pilates.

4. Work on my skills as a web developer, app programmer, designer and 3d-modeling.

5. Keep track of and plan all expenses.

6. Stimulate my creativity by writing stand-up, songs and my script.

7. Intermittent fast and limit carbs, and unhealthy, unnatural food from my diet.

8. Drink 2,5 liters water every day.

9. Record my experiences daily.

10. Wake up 07:00 and go to bed by 23:00, on weekdays.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, Self-Improvement

Your guiding motto in dealing with women

When applying game, a large part of it is to come off as an attractive as a man you can present yourself.

Whilst «female game» is largely based on appearing as visually and otherwise attractive.

Thus for all «what so should say ? what should» either in text game or in person, I have developed a guiding motto for you.

This motto or mantra you can always, when you are in doubt.

Here it is:

«Would an attractive man do that ?»

Attractive here meaning, a man who easily gets women and has plenty of options.

So, should you text her after a she hasnt answered your calls etc ?

Just think, «Would an attractive man do that?». The answer is usually now.

In fact, my greatest improvement in game, was when I first of all believed I was a sexually attractive man.

And whenever I was about to do something that might be beta, needy or otherwise I just referred to the motto and chose the best behaviour.


This is not a license to be lazy. Many «naturals» approach, flirt, escalate and seduce. However, they dont give off the vibe in any form of communcation of «needing» the female.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, The Red Pill

She wants you on a pedestal

«For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is hero-worship—the desire to look up to man. » – Ayn Rand

Say what you will about Rand, she had a knack for realizing some important truths and encapsulating them in very short sentences.

This subreddit has given my a much clearer imagine of what I could
only sense by smell and intuition but rarely put my finger on.

Background: Recently I was discussing attraction with a female acquaintance and she was describing how her male friends were complaining that females only like «assholes» and reject them. She was claiming that Game type advice such as negging etc. was universal, because everyone tends to want what they cannot have.
After a while she also transitioned to complaining about clingy and needy guys, who shower praise upon her and how that is unattractive.

I agreed, and made the point though that the reason it is unattractive is because it is unconditional, it is unearned. When you only reward a bitch, she will come to not value and maybe even resent your rewards in the long run.
She then proceeded to claim that when a guy is needy or not an aloof, asshole, it she will feel like he is lower value than her. And the hamster ultimately translated this to that this shows that he does not have enough self-respect.

I then explained that self-respect was much more important for a female to be attracted to a dude. A guy only needs the physical stuff in order, to be sexually attracted and a decent personality to be attracted mentally, while females have much higher demands of the guy respecting himself, aloof and a strong self-image.

The question this post tries to answer is; Why ?

Here goes.

Women are by nature, the weaker sex. This is obvious and well-known, in both physical and mental sense (iq, reasoning and emotional stability).

In our extreme PC society, this is ofc very taboo and «hateful» to believe consicously, much less actually espouse in public, but it is nonetheless true.

But the impact this has on sexual relations is that a female that wants to copulate with a male, must according to her tastes copulate with a stronger man, a better man.

Atleast than her, in her eyes.

Thus having you on a pedestal, gives her emotional and sexual stimulation.

Listen, all you beta deniers of Game, who are out to please the Feminine Goddess.

The Feminine Goddess in reality resents your meekiness and willingness to tolerate nonsense.


She would actually be more pleased if you felt and actively acted as you were more important than her, better than her and in general the best in the world, or the best she can get in the world.


Game, Inner Game

Response to AskTRP thread: 16 april


Schedule a date with her and try to bang her.

The level of unecessary detail her, is amazing and I admit I have engaged it myself many times. Overanalyzing.

It is to me, a sign of overinvestment on the outcome, on your part.


Concerning this:

«Chatted a bit made some sexy jokes,she laughed,but I was feeling very tired of her at that point and I felt as shit that I didn’t succeed in my goal, and fuck it was raining ,so just answered shortly and hung up ,although I realized she wanted to talk more.»

Good. You restricted her access to what she wants; attention. Furthermore, she didnt give you what you want, yet atleast; sex.


The fact that you had to write;

«She laughed» is also an example of overinvestment.

You probably feel like «Ohh, I am getting closer to punani.» But the fact you even care/remember whether she laughed after or not, in that phone call means you are too invested in this outcome.

AskTrp, Game, Inner Game

Response to AskTRP thread

My response:


» I feel like she has ruined my reputation

You care too much about what other people and especially guys think. Most guys are betas, and will drag you down with their own insecure bullshit if you listen to em.

That is the only sticking point in my opinion besides putting this female on a pedestal.

I think if you get TRP youll understand there exists no such thing as a good girl, only girls with more/less restraint and marketing skills.

Think there is a single girl who have not fantasized about black dick, or DP or whatever ? Then you are retarded.

«The disgusted look on my friends face when he described how she drunkenly came onto him just made me sick.»

THIS is pathethic.

If a female is hot, who cares if she comes on desperately. Less work for you, my friend.

Guys who say this along these lines; «ughh, she was desperate for my cock» have essentially internalized the feminine mindset.

Less effort for punani, is the male dream.

You as well, only became disgusted because of two reasons; because you care what this guy thinks and because you made up this Disney fairytale image of this female.

If you want to be alpha, you have to put your opinion and happiness in the front seat. Not other men, not women and not chase fairytales fed to you by hollywood execs.

«You lowered my value»

Gilted romantic response. Fail.

Next time, spin plats, dont get attached to low-quality females and dont care what other dudes think.

Or rather, from now on, assume she is a slut until proven otherwise.



Alphahood, Inner Game

The Value of Your Attention

Originally published at:

For selfhelp purposes I jotted down some thoughts on our attention.

The purposes and desires which you focus your mind on are those were you will achieve your results.

Your attention can both have positive and negative value for your life and others. Positive attention is when your attention enhances and improves your life. Negative attention is attention is when your attention worsens and destroys your life/life quality.

Likewise the value of your attention to others will depend on whether your attention is a positive or negative value for the receiving party.

The value of your attention depends on the perceived value to the person receiving it. If another man views you as a successful businessman, your attention to his own business ideas will be that much more valued then the attention given to him by a random person. Likewise for a female, if she perceives you as having a high SMV, then your sexual attention will be of greater value than a beta. This is also totally in line with females rejecting lower men, or men who have shown (emotional/psychological) weakness. They want some else to add value to their life, not drain it.

So the main point is how can one increase the value of your attention ?

By focusing all of your attention on positive value attention, on self-development, on things you even enjoy and challenges that give you a better sense of self-worth. By doing this one automatically adopts the behavior of a high SMV person;

1.Confidence, since you dont give attention to negative thoughts (your inner game will naturally improve);

2.You have less tolerance for bullshit (have other stuff to do!);

3.Outcome independence, by focusing only on positive value attention behavior such as oneitis, beta orbiting, insecurity etc. will over time melt away;


Likewise, as much is gained by simply not giving negative things or unconstructive thought patterns the time of the day. Almost all behaviors exhibited by betas comes from a place of giving negativity their attention, such as;

1. Focusing on past failures

2.focusing on uncooperative females

3.negative self-analysis (self-doubt, criticisms) etc.


Once you start valuing your own attention, and understand that a mans attention once properly channeled into achieving a goal can be the most powerful force on earth.

Remember this when dealing with a wack female, the attention spent in an average LTR could be spent building a business empire.

Does that put things into perspective ?
