Alphahood, The Red Pill

The Manslater and the Red Pill answer

A funny meme online is the Manslater, an imaginary tool that deciphers a females opinion:


Its almost outrageous how bluepill this clip is, because the underlying premise is that a man should be overly concerned about how a women is feeling and perceiving them.

Instead of being an immovable rock, an anchor, a man should according the manslater be an overly sensitive and emotionally connected counterpart.

This is of course as far from the truth as possible, in fact many of these cliche sayings in the video are attempts at shit-testing and shaming.

Lets translate the response in the different situations to a RP man.

First scene

Girl: Hey, are you golfing today ?

Man: Yeah, see you later.

Man leaves apartment.

If wife is upset, man ignores it.

Second scene

Man wants to go a tea shop.

Man: Hey, I am going to a tea shop.

Third scene

Man: Are you ok ? You sound upset.

Girl: Why would I be upset ? [Hangs up]

Man continues on his day, and also reprimands her for hanging up when he meets her (being disrespectful).

Fourth scene (obvious shit test)

Girl: Are you wearing that ?!

Man: Yes. [With a grin]

Sixth scene

Girl: Do you think she is pretty ?

Man: Yeah, she is ok.

The gist is really, you dont get a manslater. You instead behave like a man.

That is you dont give a fuck about her emotional rollercoaster and coded language, and instead do you and prioritize your needs, and you punish her if she crosses your boundaries.

This is my take on RP answer to this, and it might be a influenced by my non-western background.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, Self-Improvement

Your guiding motto in dealing with women

When applying game, a large part of it is to come off as an attractive as a man you can present yourself.

Whilst «female game» is largely based on appearing as visually and otherwise attractive.

Thus for all «what so should say ? what should» either in text game or in person, I have developed a guiding motto for you.

This motto or mantra you can always, when you are in doubt.

Here it is:

«Would an attractive man do that ?»

Attractive here meaning, a man who easily gets women and has plenty of options.

So, should you text her after a she hasnt answered your calls etc ?

Just think, «Would an attractive man do that?». The answer is usually now.

In fact, my greatest improvement in game, was when I first of all believed I was a sexually attractive man.

And whenever I was about to do something that might be beta, needy or otherwise I just referred to the motto and chose the best behaviour.


This is not a license to be lazy. Many «naturals» approach, flirt, escalate and seduce. However, they dont give off the vibe in any form of communcation of «needing» the female.

Alphahood, Game, Inner Game, The Red Pill

She wants you on a pedestal

«For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is hero-worship—the desire to look up to man. » – Ayn Rand

Say what you will about Rand, she had a knack for realizing some important truths and encapsulating them in very short sentences.

This subreddit has given my a much clearer imagine of what I could
only sense by smell and intuition but rarely put my finger on.

Background: Recently I was discussing attraction with a female acquaintance and she was describing how her male friends were complaining that females only like «assholes» and reject them. She was claiming that Game type advice such as negging etc. was universal, because everyone tends to want what they cannot have.
After a while she also transitioned to complaining about clingy and needy guys, who shower praise upon her and how that is unattractive.

I agreed, and made the point though that the reason it is unattractive is because it is unconditional, it is unearned. When you only reward a bitch, she will come to not value and maybe even resent your rewards in the long run.
She then proceeded to claim that when a guy is needy or not an aloof, asshole, it she will feel like he is lower value than her. And the hamster ultimately translated this to that this shows that he does not have enough self-respect.

I then explained that self-respect was much more important for a female to be attracted to a dude. A guy only needs the physical stuff in order, to be sexually attracted and a decent personality to be attracted mentally, while females have much higher demands of the guy respecting himself, aloof and a strong self-image.

The question this post tries to answer is; Why ?

Here goes.

Women are by nature, the weaker sex. This is obvious and well-known, in both physical and mental sense (iq, reasoning and emotional stability).

In our extreme PC society, this is ofc very taboo and «hateful» to believe consicously, much less actually espouse in public, but it is nonetheless true.

But the impact this has on sexual relations is that a female that wants to copulate with a male, must according to her tastes copulate with a stronger man, a better man.

Atleast than her, in her eyes.

Thus having you on a pedestal, gives her emotional and sexual stimulation.

Listen, all you beta deniers of Game, who are out to please the Feminine Goddess.

The Feminine Goddess in reality resents your meekiness and willingness to tolerate nonsense.


She would actually be more pleased if you felt and actively acted as you were more important than her, better than her and in general the best in the world, or the best she can get in the world.


Alphahood, Inner Game

The Value of Your Attention

Originally published at:

For selfhelp purposes I jotted down some thoughts on our attention.

The purposes and desires which you focus your mind on are those were you will achieve your results.

Your attention can both have positive and negative value for your life and others. Positive attention is when your attention enhances and improves your life. Negative attention is attention is when your attention worsens and destroys your life/life quality.

Likewise the value of your attention to others will depend on whether your attention is a positive or negative value for the receiving party.

The value of your attention depends on the perceived value to the person receiving it. If another man views you as a successful businessman, your attention to his own business ideas will be that much more valued then the attention given to him by a random person. Likewise for a female, if she perceives you as having a high SMV, then your sexual attention will be of greater value than a beta. This is also totally in line with females rejecting lower men, or men who have shown (emotional/psychological) weakness. They want some else to add value to their life, not drain it.

So the main point is how can one increase the value of your attention ?

By focusing all of your attention on positive value attention, on self-development, on things you even enjoy and challenges that give you a better sense of self-worth. By doing this one automatically adopts the behavior of a high SMV person;

1.Confidence, since you dont give attention to negative thoughts (your inner game will naturally improve);

2.You have less tolerance for bullshit (have other stuff to do!);

3.Outcome independence, by focusing only on positive value attention behavior such as oneitis, beta orbiting, insecurity etc. will over time melt away;


Likewise, as much is gained by simply not giving negative things or unconstructive thought patterns the time of the day. Almost all behaviors exhibited by betas comes from a place of giving negativity their attention, such as;

1. Focusing on past failures

2.focusing on uncooperative females

3.negative self-analysis (self-doubt, criticisms) etc.


Once you start valuing your own attention, and understand that a mans attention once properly channeled into achieving a goal can be the most powerful force on earth.

Remember this when dealing with a wack female, the attention spent in an average LTR could be spent building a business empire.

Does that put things into perspective ?

Alphahood, Game

Reponse to askTRP «Walked out on girl but unsure of whether i failed»


The Original post:


As a preface i’m a male uni student. the girl has 3 years on me.

I went on a date with a girl i had made out with at a party a week earlier. We go to the movies and end up at her house. We start making out once again, and she gets on top of me and starts grinding. I go for her bra, but the second my hand starts to undo it she sits up and stops me. «I’m sorry, you have to know me for at least 5 days before you can do that». So i resist and say «Are you serious?», which i believe was a mistake. regardless i continue making out and try once more, attempting to push past her barrier. She once again stops me. I just flat out ask her, «Is this going anywhere? You are grinding on me but you don’t want to go any further?». She tells me guys usually like when she does that and doesn’t understand where i’m coming from. I immediately tell her to stop and I promptly leave.

How could I have played this better? I don’t want to repeat my errors as I feel I could have closed.


My answer:


You didnt put up with shit you didnt like. GOOD!

You didnt recognize LMR, nonsense shit-testing. BAD!

Its ok, just practice.

My take on how to play it better:

«I’m sorry, you have to know me for at least 5 days before you can do that».

[She might have this rule actually, but rules go out the window if she is attracted enough]

So i resist and say «Are you serious?»»

[WRONG! You are appealing to logic, by trying to point out her inconsisten behavior. Never appeal to logic during seduction. Appeal to EMOTIONS or authority 🙂 😦 😀 😛

You are also putting her in a position of authority. This is what it sounds like to her at some level; «Oh, if you serious massa than I will just pack my manhood away in my pants after we spent an hour at the cinema attending to your needs for bonding and attention.»

My alternative response, written in front of a computer screen with «all the time in the world»:

Appeal to emotions:

«I feel like we have known each other for weeks already» Cha-ching!

or authority(ie, your self assumed authority over her body):

«Take of this bra now, I wanna see your tits (whilst rubbing her tits) ]

Or horniness:

Breathe deep in her ear, and tell your how horny you are, what you wanna do to her etc.

«[Breathing deeply] I wanna put my raging boner inside your wet pussy, I wanna ravage you like I am a caveman and there is no tomorrow! » Etc. etc.

«regardless i continue making out and try once more» Good!

«She once again stops me.»

[Her pussy is her triumph card. She wants to know she has value. Or she is not sufficiently horny. Women get turned on by the act of sex(male domination) and of being desired. Thus feed these feelings if she is not soaking already.]

«I just flat out ask her, «Is this going anywhere? You are grinding on me but you don’t want to go any further?».

[WRONG! Appealing to logic again! Dude, stop appealing to logic during seduction and escalation. Teasing, dirty talk, cocky & funny, assume the sale etc. NEVER LOGIC! Logic reminds a bitch to hold out on the pussy!]

[My alternative response, again written in the comfort of my own home:

I get so HARD when you grind on me like that, and (while grabbing her ass) your ass feels so good. I just wanna lay (throw her around into more submissive position) you down and fuck you like a beast! First SUCK MY COCK! (Whip out your cock!) ]

«She tells me guys usually like when she does that and doesn’t understand where i’m coming from. I immediately tell her to stop and I promptly leave.»

Everything is on you. You have to put your horniness out there, you have to put your sexuality on the line, you have to GIVE HER ORDERS on what to do WITHOUT OPTIONS to please you.

If she is not attracted ie playing along, then leave, or if at your crib stop giving her attention.

Please read more redpill books. And good luck next time. Just being at TRP means you are on your way.


